Volunteers choose a particular space on the campus for landscaping – planting and maintenance, coordinated with our maintenance department.
Contact Dan Diehl for more information.
Adoration is from 8AM to 3:30PM Monday through Friday, except on holidays. Saturday from 8AM to 4PM. Times outside these hours require an access code. Contact Lisa Roth via the link to request a code.
Volunteers typically take a weekly one-hour time for adoration.
Contact Lisa Roth for more information.
Couples and single folks are welcome to join a fantastic learning experience! Our Bible Study meets Thursdays from 5:45-7:45PM in the Woodward Center at St. Benedict Cathedral (enter Door 9 from the parking lot behind St. Ben's School). Bring a Bible if you have one. The presenter is Missy Brundick McNabb who holds a Master's in Theology (St. Meinrad Seminary) with a Ph.D. in Literacy and Culture. Prior to each weekly discussion, Bible Study members will receive an email with an optional study guide. No one is called upon to answer questions during the sessions, and there is no homework.
Contact Missy McNabb for more information.
Volunteers are needed each time a game is held at St. Benedict Cathedral School Gym or other specific needs like organizing uniforms.
Contact Jason Wright for more information.
Learn more about the faith as you sponsor an adult seeking to be baptized or received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Meet weekly on Sundays 9-10a.m., August - Easter .
Contact David Rice, Sr. Pat McGuire OSB, Audra Douglas for more information.
Contact John Payne for more information.
The Buildings and Ground Committee coordinates maintenance projects and budgeting for these projects under the auspices of the Finance Council.
Contact Andrew Howard for more information.
CAJE (Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment) Volunteers attend meetings to make a positive difference for those most in need in our community. Meetings would average every other month.
Contact John Michael O'Leary for more information.
Our Cathedral Parish Choir rehearses on Thursday nights from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Cathedral and sings every other week, typically at the 10:30 Mass. Membership is open to anyone in eighth grade and older. Reading music is helpful, but not required. A great opportunity for families.
Contact Jennifer Korba for more information.
The church is decorated for Easter & Christmas. Volunteers are needed on announced days to help with the major portions of decorating. Help is also needed at the end of these seasons for teardown.
Contact Tami Orr for more information.
The Communication Committee monitors the parish and school communications, makes recommendation on current communications, and provides input for enhancing the parish's communication strategies.
Contact Angie Wellmeier for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take communion once a week to those who are Homebound or in Nursing Homes.
Contact Sr. Pat McGuire, OSB for more information.
As requested, volunteers bake 5-6 dozen cookies for parish events.
Contact Donna Halverson for more information.
The Evangelization Committee discerns and executes methods and events to proclaim the Gospel beyond the parish.
Contact Pete Barry for more information.
Commissioned by the bishop and trained in the parish, EMHC's distribute Holy Communion at the daily and weekend Masses - typically scheduled by Ministry Scheduler Pro every month or so.
Contact Debbie Brockman for more information.
This is a new ministry that we are gauging interest in. Please complete THIS SURVEY!
For more information on this ministry, please view our flyer HERE.
As requested, volunteers prepare food and serve the meal for parish events. Teams are called upon on average every 1-2 months.
Contact Becky Heerdink for more information.
Volunteers prepare food, and if able, serve the meal, following the funerals of parishioners. Teams are called upon, on average, 2 or 3 times a year.
Contact Kelley Knies for more information.
At every weekend Mass the bread and wine are brought forward along with the collection. Two individuals or families are welcome to assist with this ministry. In the liturgy it is a symbol of us offering all that we have been given back to God.
Contact Jeremy Korba for more information.
Volunteers assist in the building of homes for low income families.
Contact Steve Titzer for more information.
Volunteers agree to send encouraging seasonal notes to assigned senior parishioners who are homebound or in care facilities.
Contact Carol Burns for more information.
Volunteers are assigned to teams that clean portions of the church, vestibules, sanctuary, or choir loft. Teams clean 3 or 4 times during their assigned month every 3 months.
Contact Kelley Knies for more information.
Proficient musicians on keyboard and other instruments accompany the assembly at weekend Masses (along with weddings and funerals).
Contact Jeremy Korba for more information.
A fraternity of Catholic men who work to build up the Church and serve the broader community.
Contact Nick Hermann for more information.
Proclaim the word of God at weekend Masses, typically scheduled every month or so.
Contact Dominic Birk for more information.
Maintenance volunteers typically work together on Tuesdays 9:30-11:30AM to assist the maintenance staff with various projects. Volunteers may serve at other hours as well.
Contact Flavien Elpers for more information.
The Mass Greeters arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass to greet people joyfully as they enter church for Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses. Individuals, couples and families may assist with this ministry.
Contact Kelley Knies for more information.
Mass servers are assigned to weekend and holy day Masses about every 4-6 weeks.
Contact Fr. Alex Zenthoefer for more information.
This is a new ministry designed for moms and stepmoms of all ages and all stages to come together twice a month to pray together. Babysitting is available.
Contact Pete Barry for more information.
Volunteers take pictures or video at parish events. Other volunteers create and manage a repository of these pictures and videos to document the history of parish photographically.
Contact Kelley Knies for more information.
Volunteers agree to be contacted to add particular intentions to their prayers.
Contact Nancy Vaught for more information.
Set up for weekend Masses about once a month – set out hosts, chalices with wine, and all that is needed for Mass.
Contact Kelley Knies for more information.
Vincentians visit families in need in their homes to assess need and then meet on Monday evenings at the Parish Center to distribute assistance.
Contact Phil Gamble for more information.
Volunteer opportunities are avaiable for:
School Hopitality Committee, Team Blue Restaurant Give-Back Nights, School Spirit Celebrations, School Wellness, School Volunteer, Bourbon & Blue Jeans and Team Blue Raven Raffle.
Contact Megan Wright for more information.
This ministry builds beds for children in the area who do not have a bed to sleep in. They meet on Saturdays to build.
Contact Mike Primus for more information.
Sponsor Couples assist with the preparation of engaged couples for marriage. They meet with engaged couples several times and have conversations about topics that will help them to have a happy and healthy marriage.
Contact Fr. Alex Zenthoefer for more information.
Parish volunteers offer church tours on a monthly basis after the weekend Masses.
Contact Jane Hackert for more information.
Assist parishioners with seating at weekend Masses, take up the collection, and place the collection in the safe after Mass, assigned to all Masses during a month three or four times per year.
Contact Jeff Marx for more information.
Volunteers visit parishioners every 2-3 months who are unable to attend Mass so they can maintain a connection to the parish.
Contact Sr. Pat McGuire, OSB for more information.
A seasonally women's Scripture study and spirituality group that meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00pm, following the program named Walking with Purpose.
Contact Kim Early for more information.