
Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation 2024

Who is this for? In the Diocese of Evansville, the Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred on those who have reached their Sophomore year in high school.

What do I have to do? In the Summer, a notice will go out to our parish for all those who are eligible to sign up for Confirmation preparation. In late Summer, a clear schedule will be published.

When is Confirmation? At St. Benedict Cathedral, the Sacrament of Confirmation will be offered by Bishop Siegel on Saturday, October 26 at the 4:30 pm Mass.

What if I'm not ready? No worries. We want our young people to freely choose to receive this Sacrament. However, we have noticed that young people face many challenges today. For that reason, they need the gift of the Holy Spirit to stand strong when challenges and temptations come their way. Even if you don't fully understand this Sacrament, its power still works!

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