Mass Intentions / Society of the Sacred Heart

Mass Intentions

St. Benedict Cathedral is always happy to assist parishioners and other faithful in setting up a Mass intention. Please call the Parish Office to set up a Mass intention – (812) 425-3369, ext. 0.

Society of the Sacred Heart at St. Benedict Cathedral

St. Benedict Cathedral recently began offering enrollment in the Society of the Sacred Heart. Mass is offered for all those who have been enrolled in the Society once each month for the twelve months following enrollment.
To enroll an individual or group of people in the Society, please contact the Parish Office, or take an Enrollment Folder from the pamphlet racks in church. The donor completes the spaces in the Enrollment Folder. The donor may make a contribution to St. Benedict Cathedral for the enrollment. The suggested donation is $25. Mass will be offered monthly for all enrolled in the Society for the following twelve months.

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